Why Us ? - Our Purpose
"To be a trusted, valued and invested partner with entities that support the planet & humanity & help these entities start, grow, prosper and leave a legacy."
To be part of our clients working family
To share in our clients success
The principles we follow to give you our best are:
Integrity - Honesty and straightforwardness in professional and business relationships. We will not always tell you what you want to hear but we will always tell you what we believe you need to know.
Objectivity - Avoid the impact of biases on our judgement, decision making or allow undue influence on others or our self.
Professional competence and due care - Maintain professional knowledge and skill at the standard expected by a member of the public when seeking professional advice. This includes keeping up to date with current trends and technical standards. We make every effort to anticipate your needs and exceed your expectations. To ensure that our advice remains at the "cutting edge" we have established strategic alliances with consultants that are widely recognised as "the best in the business". Our network of leading advisers ensure that we obtain quality advice on almost any business issue. Advertising agencies, solicitors, expert barristers, public relations and human resource consultants, taxation consultants, computer systems consultants and business brokers are just some of the skilled people we can directly access for quality professional support.
Confidentiality - Respect the right of our clients and employer to have personal details and information kept secure, private and confidential.
Professional behaviour - Compliance with laws and regulations and do not behave in a way that reflects badly on us, our business or the Chartered Accountancy profession.
Communication - we will always respond when we say we will and will maintain regular contact with you. We encourage regular meetings, attendance to Board / Management meetings and reviews
Accessibility - . We make ourselves available to our clients and due to the size and structure of Jirwander & Company we can quickly adapt and respond to change - helping you stay focused and on your path to success.
Flexibility & Commitment - Our unique fee structure gives our clients the power to choose what suits their structure and purpose. We believe in sharing in our clients success and being Invested in our clients success. We encourage a component of our fees to be turned into an option which can be paid or converted into share equity. This is called "Sweat Equity". This component is in our clients control to chose depending on the achievement of mutually agreed milestones. This is how we stay invested in our clients and why we do not undertake assurance work. Fixed and variable pricing structures are also available to maximise the value of our services to you. Retainer fees are offered to provide advice as and when needed.
"Its a Relationship not a transaction"
Our Fee structure, accessibility, communication and purpose nurture a long term focus with our clients. This demands a relationship based model of collaboration rather than a transaction based model. This relationship based model influences our approach to strategy. We encourage a balanced and holistic view to your business, organisation and life.
A chain under pressure will break at its weakest link. This means all the links our clients choose to have in their organisation and life must be considered. Some links are non negotiable such as physical and mental health. Other links are a matter of perspective and choice. In our strategic planning we include the Intangibles in our clients organisation and life. For some it is Family, Partner, Recognition, Achievement. We stress test all these elements of what is important to you and make sure we include them in our strategy. The amount of time or effort allocated is dependant on our clients perspective. For example how much time to spend with Family or physical health for each of us is different & there is no right or wrong answer for all .
"We don't just advise, we can help you make it happen"
We know that we will never know all our clients business to the extent that they do – and we won't claim to do so. However we are experienced in a wide range of business issues and we can use our knowledge, experience and network to help you to succeed.
We can project manage and execute those projects that you know are needed but just cannot get to. By assisting you in areas of your business where skills or time may be lacking, you can get on with what you know best.
Jirwander & Company has specialist hands on industry knowledge and experience in the following areas:
Venture Capital
Retail – Australia and Asia
Wholesale Distribution – Australia and Asia
Landscape and Building Trade
Services Trade
FMCG - Australia
Sustainable and Renewable s Sector
Not For Profit – Cooperatives Australia
Natural health and wellness industry – Worldwide experience
Brand Creation and Development – Australia and Asia
Corporate Training and Public Speaking